Wedding ~ Tiffany & Casey

Some of you may know that this particular date 7/7/07 has been regarded as one of the busiest wedding dates since the millenium change over just becase of the triple 7's. We met with quite a few couples before Tiffany and Casey decided on us for both photo & video. They had a wonderful backyard wedding at Casey's parents' house which I must say rivals some of the best wedding venues in Denver for beauty! Too bad it's not for rent! The rain stayed away until after the ceremony so everything went beautifully! Their reception was held nearby at Wheat Ridge Recreation Center.... one of my favorite local venues because of the price and the wonderful lighting! Also had to add a photo of their cake topper.... TRANSFORMERS! So cute... apparently the groom is very fond of them and it sort of correlates to the opening of the movie. Which by the way Mike and I both saw and give it two thumbs up! They even did their seating according to the different transformer autobots! Awesome and unique... we loved covering this wedding and hope they love the photos as well.... to see more of their photos go back to our website and click on the "click here to view your event link" login: kalmes1 password: wedding to see everything before the reception and to see the reception relogin: kalmes2 password: wedding
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