Presenting a Check to Fight Cancer!

I was privileged to go with Heather Hoffman & Fred Lewis to present a check to Planned Parenthood of the Rockies today in the amount of $1500.00 that we raised back in October. The Alexandra Campaign will be setting up a fund through Planned Parenthood where any women between the ages of 18 and 25 can go and get vaccinated for the HPV virus that causes cervical cancer. To find out more information please check out the website
This also hit home for me today as I spoke to my mother on the telephone and she relayed a story about a business client of hers who passed away this week from cervical cancer caused by the HPV virus and although I never met the women it hit a cord with me as she was only 32 years old... only two years older than me! Please, please, please... get vaccinated. There is finally a vaccine out there to prevent cancer and everyone should not only be made aware of it, but it should be available to anyone who wants it. Also if you would like to help with The Alexandra Campaign's efforts please contact them directly through their website. It is a new charity and any little bit of help is appreciated.
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