Wedding ~ Sheila & Sam

What a fabulous church! Sheila & Sam were martied at St. Dominic's Parish in Denver. There is so much history and feeling in old large churches like these! Father Tom was one of the nicest and friendliest priests I've ever met. Likewise, was both the famlies of this beeming couple! We got some really great photos both inside & outside of the church... plus I can't wait to see their video... I'm a little behind on wedding videos due to our dance school that we do in June, but just finished that so I should be getting caught up with those soon as well! The reception was held at Lombardi's Roman Garden in Westminster... actually not far from us! I love all the statues on the inside... there were so many guests! I think this almost tops it for the wedding with the most guests at it that I've ever done really close to another one I did in 2005, but I think this was larger! We had a great time, thanks for your patience with my injury! And to check out more photos go back to our website click on the "Click Here to View Your Event" link. At the login type: brown1 password: wedding to see everything before the reception and relogin: brown2 to see all the reception photos!
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