The wedding of Cielle to Brandon at Red Craggs Estate in Colorado Springs on Independence Day was one of the most elegant and amazing weddings I've ever seen, and believe me I've seen a lot! One of the main reasons being... Cielle and Brandon! A beautiful couple with very large hearts as well as a beautiful location with a majestic view of the mountains! They say when it rains on your wedding day it is a sign of good luck, for me as a photographer I almost always question that reasoning except for this wedding... the clouds held out until just after the formal portraits and then let lose a huge downpour... by that time everyone was safe inside the tent and after the rain storm a beautiful rainbow appeared... just another beautiful blessing for this couple. Thanks again for sharing this day with us... Mike and I will gladly give up a holiday for you two anytime because you are such a joy to work with... all our best!
To see more photos from this wedding go back to our website and click on the "Click Here to View Your Event" link. At the login type: wardwedd1 password: wedding to see the ceremony. To view the formals re-login: wardwedd2 password: wedding and re-login one more time to see the reception photos: wardwedd3 password: wed

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