Wedding ~ Brian & Jessa

We have just returned from covering our first destination wedding in St. John, Virgin Islands. Our friend and fellow photographer Jessa married Brian on the most beautiful white sand beach imaginable! We were privileged to be a part of the entire week's activities including multiple trips to the beach, sailing, a pig roast, snorkeling and more! Not only was it a dream wedding, but also a dream vacation for us (Mike and I never took a honeymoon!) We faced new challenges like traveling with all of our gear and trying to keep the sand out of our cameras and lenses, but all in all everything worked out great. We have some amazing photos from the couple's special day as well as from the week of the trip!
We hope this leads to new adventures... Mike and I had so much fun we are thinking of pursing destination weddings on a grandeur scale for other couple's from Colorado that are planning on a wedding out of state or out of the country. The nice thing about hiring a local to cover your destination event is that you can deal with all the other things at home like ordering prints and albums. In some cases doing a destination wedding means you may not get a chance to meet all of your vendors... which in regards to photo and video could end up very badly! So hopefully we can help out a few of you beach bound couples in the future!
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