Wedding ~ Audrey & Nathan

We traveled all the way to Sioux Falls, South Dakota for this wedding! But part of the reason for this one was because it was my cousin's wedding! Mike and I were both born in this city and all of our extended relatives live there, so it was nice getting to see old familiar faces that we don't get to see too often anymore. It was also a little strange for me to see Audrey all grown up. Because my parents moved us to the Black Hills of South Dakota at a very young age I really didn't get the opportunity to grow up with my cousins. Sure we saw them on holidays and usually a few weeks out of the summer, but Audrey is about 10 years younger than me. So most of the memories I have of her and her twin and her younger set of twins is as young babies and children. It again is another reminder of how quickly time passes us by. It was my great pleasure being of service for such a special and momentous event in her life. I hope she loves each and every photo... and the forthcoming video!
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