Wedding ~ Michelle & Gary

What a challenging wedding this weekend! The church was dark with no available light and I wasn't allowed to use flash during the ceremony, however I made the most of what I had to work with and came out with some awesome shots from Gary & Michelle's Wedding! After working with them during their engagement photos I kind of knew what to expect with their expressions and mannerisms... and I knew they both liked to blink!! And guess what so does the rest of the family... I was prepared though and took lots of extra shots during the formals just to make sure I had it right! This will probally be the last time Faith assists me with a wedding since her and her hubby will be off to England next month! So goodbye to her and good luck and see you next September when you come back for my wedding! Likewise this is the last scheduled job with my intern, Taleen! Her help was absolutely crucial to the success of these wedding photos.... I hope she gets best portfolio next month at her graduation.... she has some really wonderful animation work! Check out this awesome shot of the
garter removal! The first time I ever took a photo at the exact same time as one of the guests and captured it on film.... makes for an awesome effect!!!! I'm releasing these photos early since I did a lot of formals of other family members who were interested in Christmas cards.... so check them out and I will be adding Faith's medium format photos after they are scanned in at a later date!
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