Another really good set of friends of ours surprised us this month with an engagement / wedding! Devon found out he has been called back to active duty with the military and will be leaving at the end of the week... so he proposed to his girlfriend and they did a quickie civil service before he's being deployed... we were fortunate enough to be able to spend one of his last days in Colorado with the two of them at their engagement party at Hibachi Grill in Westminster tonight. Knowing that they don't have a lot of photos of the two of themselves together I asked them to pose for a few shots. Better than that... Devon in a playful mood picked up Lauren and ran through the fountain at the promenade. Some really great, fun shots!! We wish you a safe and speedy return from where ever our government is sending you... and are looking forward to a big wedding when you are back!! Lots of love... we'll be thinking about you and keeping Lauren company while you are gone!

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