Wedding ~ Jessica & Ryan

Jessica & Ryan were married at Mountain Thunder Lodge in Breckenridge, CO today! The original plan was for them to get married at Maggie Pond in Breckenridge, however mother nature had other ideas... it rained most of the day. But that did not put a damper on their big event. Mountain Thunder had a fabulous back-up plan in place and the couple were married at the same location as their reception. It was still very beautiful and when the clouds parted we were still able to do some fun outdoor shots! I just love the photo on the bottom... Jessica came up with a very original idea of doing musical chairs for the giving away of the boquet and it made for some very fun compettion and even more interesting photos of the ladies fighting for the flowers! To view their wedding click on the "View Your Event" link on our website. Their event is seperated into 3 galleries. To view the preparation and the ceremony login: florence1 password: wedding , to view the formals login: florence2 Password: wedding and to view the reception login: florence3 Password: wedding. If you place an order please email me your phone number in case we have any questions about it as the site does not have a place to collect that info. And as always if you have any problems or questions please give us a call.

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