Saturday, November 26, 2005

Wedding ~ Michelle & Gary

What a challenging wedding this weekend! The church was dark with no available light and I wasn't allowed to use flash during the ceremony, however I made the most of what I had to work with and came out with some awesome shots from Gary & Michelle's Wedding! After working with them during their engagement photos I kind of knew what to expect with their expressions and mannerisms... and I knew they both liked to blink!! And guess what so does the rest of the family... I was prepared though and took lots of extra shots during the formals just to make sure I had it right! This will probally be the last time Faith assists me with a wedding since her and her hubby will be off to England next month! So goodbye to her and good luck and see you next September when you come back for my wedding! Likewise this is the last scheduled job with my intern, Taleen! Her help was absolutely crucial to the success of these wedding photos.... I hope she gets best portfolio next month at her graduation.... she has some really wonderful animation work! Check out this awesome shot of the garter removal! The first time I ever took a photo at the exact same time as one of the guests and captured it on film.... makes for an awesome effect!!!! I'm releasing these photos early since I did a lot of formals of other family members who were interested in Christmas cards.... so check them out and I will be adding Faith's medium format photos after they are scanned in at a later date!

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Photo Outing with Mom

Actually took a day off today! Amazing! My mom is in town this week for Turkey Day! And to help me with some wedding plans of my own... not much going on the day before Thanksgiving so we decided to take a drive into the mountains and just photograph some stuff.... I haven't had much time lately for leisure photography so this was fun... My mom prefers to photograph wildlife as shown on her website , but I like to photograph abstract things... such as cemetaries which is where we went today... and even my mom came up with a creative image today as seen in the snow covered flower photo above... I wouldn't have thought of that so cool!!! Some of my favorites that I took are below!

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

James Earl Jones - Documentary Shoot

Today Taleen and I spent the day following around the Verizon Yellow Pages staff and their spokesperson James Earl Jones! My first celebrity! It was awesome... Because of contractual obligations I can't post any photos that I took, but believe me it was amazing... sort of surreal. Mr. Jones was very friendly, laid back, and warm hearted. The first assignment was photographing him with the Denver area Verizon staff... then we went to Eagleton Elementary in the afternoon to photograph him talking to children, there was also a lot of press there and then that evening we photographed the reception held downtown and the poetry slam afterwards. Michael helped me with the evening photos. Maybe you'll see some of the photos in upcoming Verizon ads etc.Anyway, the chance of a lifetime and I feel very privileged to have met him.

Sunday, November 13, 2005

Wedding ~ Olga & Erwin

This was my first Russian Orthadox wedding and it was quite interesting... I love all the different traditions and beautiful icons in the church.... although it was a small wedding there were soooo many photo opportunities that it is going to take me a while to go through and edit all the photos! I may even do a sample album of this wedding! Olga & Erwin were such a joy to work with... I welcome Olga to the U.S. and hope she finds lots of happiness here in her new marriage!

Saturday, November 12, 2005

Wedding ~ Angie & Chris

Chris & Angie's Wedding finally arrived! They were married today at the Radisson's Greystone Castle in Thornton. This was my first time doing an event there and I was greatly impressed with the job their staff did. The day ended up being too windy to do any outdoor photos since they wanted to do all their formals before the ceremony. This actually works out really well for all the couples who are willing to see each other beforehand... especially if you have a lot of children in the wedding as they tend to get tired quickly... and after the wedding you can go straight to mingling with guests!